Wednesday, 24 September 2014
Being taken for a 5 star ride!
"Any one can hold the helm when the sea is calm."
Publilius Syrus
I'm a decent friendly and approachable guy. The problem with this is people often come to me asking for help in one way or another, albeit with education being a teacher, or help advertising someone's business or help with paperwork.
My problem is I have difficulty saying no. I often say yes and subsequently end up feeling like i have been taken for a ride or treated as a 'mug'. This usually happens because the person who has asked for help has taken advantage of me and my kind nature. But whose fault is it? Hopefully reading on will help.
When you know bad things are going to happen in a situation, however horrible that situation then seems, is sometimes easier to cope with, you can almost control what is coming head on. But the moment you stop taking control of life and let go of what is steering you, because you think that everything will be good, you are more likely to steer in to trouble. You need to have a clear focus on who is guiding you, and then when the trouble or burdens come your way you have an emergency back up to help you out.
When I was a child I use to really enjoy going to the seaside with my mum and dad. It was such a lovely event, as long as there was good weather in the sky there was something I use to really enjoy seeing, and when I was really young (and well-behaved) something that I really would enjoy doing, going on the seaside Donkey ride!
It sounds strange to people who are not use to this custom, but going to a British Sandy Beach in the height of summer and seeing a Donkey/Donkeys on the beach, letting the children ride them up and down, was sheer excitement for me. You would usually see 6 to 8 donkeys lined up in a row on the beach and depending on the type of people running the event you would have a variety of Donkeys, each possibly with a specific, yet funny name, and some dressed up or even wearing hats.
But now as an adult I see the whole thing slightly differently. When you think about it, this little adventure for the children puts the adults in a strange position. The Donkey, although apparently a docile creature, is still an animal and all animals are spontaneous, with anything able to happen at any moment. So realistically we are putting a child, our child, aged below 8 (usually) on the back of this animal is rather careless. Especially when you consider the height that the child could fall from. But come on, I must be ridiculous and completely overreacting here, realistically it should be OK, when we then see two things in front of us.
1: The Donkey has reigns on, so we must assume that there is a certain amount of control over the animal.
2: That the Donkey is controlled by the person who is walking a long side them. So again, we must assume that it is safe for our children to ride as there is control over the situation.
But could the Donkey still lose control?
Yes, of course it could, the Donkey could kick or run. Especially when you see the previous points differently, when you look at the reigns that the Donkey has on, if it was completely safe and controlled then you wouldn't need the reigns, but the real truth is that it is still an unpredictable animal.
But the next important thing is the person, the Donkey guide, we don't know these people, these people are complete strangers, yet we are happy to pass these people our child, to man handle.
When we send children to school we, as a society, are completely obsessed with what is best for our children, what is the best and safest! We become obsessed with Ofsted reports and qualifications of staff. When our child becomes sick, automatically Doctors have to be the best in the country to even be considered to look after your children. Yet when it comes to Donkey rides at the beach, we are happy to allow complete strangers to look after our young child. We allow them to pick up and put our Child on to a Donkey, without even checking if they are C.R.B checked, or have childcare regulations, are they first aid trained? Are the animals checked and treated by the R.S.P.C.A? But yet they go and walk the Donkey up and down the beach with a child, our child, sat on a flimsy but incredibly colourful saddle.
The weight must be a burden.
Then the Guide now has taken that burden of responsibility. That is a lot of responsibility, but is so easily given over. But in reality, we as humans do this time and time again.
But when we look at the Donkey, it always looks very sweet and nice. We never really hear any stories of Donkeys attacking children. And at times I have even seen Donkeys wearing cute little hats (which I am pretty sure is probably against the law now) saying "Kiss me quick" or some other seaside slogan. So we look on at these animals and at this stranger and look around and are drawn in to the world of Donkey rides, with Donkeys that look trust worthy because they are wearing a hat!
Sadly, we are often the Donkeys in this scenario, mainly due to the fact that we are carrying these very heavy burdens. We are so use to carrying something that is precious to us, however irrelevant they might be to others, of which the precious load; the load that we want to protect is sometimes the heaviest. We as a society find it easy to pile on more precious items for others to carry. We are plodding along with our normal burdens, our normal loads, continuing with our normal lives our normal jobs, which is never easy. It isn't like we were designed to carry extra jobs, loads and burdens to carry and then for us to comfortably walk on hot sand. But alas, we still do it, we dress ourselves up, sometimes sparkle, pushing our pride out, with our pride on show, our name on show. But only because it is who we are, and what is expected from us, however hard we carry on plodding along.
But it is hard, so we need a good Donkey guide, someone reliable, even if they appear to be complete strangers to the on lookers. In reality the Donkey knows the guide. The guide would have handled, fed, groomed and cared deeply for these animals (even if the only reason for doing so was just so they could make money from them, but none the less they are cared for) So, for the donkey, however much it is expected from him, and us, the truth for him should be that the people queuing up to "burden" him more are probably the strangers, putting even more precious items on them to carry.
So, if you are buying this analogy and are following with what I have been saying the question then to be raised is, if you are you Donkey, who is your Guide?
This is such an important role, because they wont just care and look after you in the winter months when things seem easier, they will also be on the beach, in the hot weather helping you walk, whilst they hold on to your reigns.
Ideally I would say allow God to be your guide, let Him get a firm grip on your reigns, but the truth is that He already is.
So think about the winter months in your life, when you are not carrying others burdens. Who is feeding, grooming, giving you somewhere to sleep and comes and sees you everyday? Ultimately remember that this person is standing there with Authority to guide you correctly.
You have to make sure that when you're helping someone you keep control, you don't pass authority on to that person. I know that's what my problem is. Keep firm with who your donkey guide is and you won't be feeling like you've 'mugged' by the experience.
If you can do that you'll be feeling good after helping someone, you'll feel 'the bomb' as the youth today might say. Or I'm completely showing my age with bad use of words.
So next time you are at the beach and you see donkeys lined up or walking up and down the beach think. Even, if you are lucky enough to be the parent holding the reigns of the donkey that your child is riding, the Stranger that is standing a few feet from you, walking with you, is also walking with their precious load.
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
Different perspective
I've been told in the past year that i have a lot of baggage.
People who have said this have classed my baggage as:
Having two children
Living with my dad, who is 74.
That, although I have two children, that I see them too much (not like most single dads)
That I have health issues concerning my mobility.
That I home school my eldest son.
That I go to church
And finally, that I work part-time when I can.
I find all of this strange as I don't see any of this as baggage.
Yes, I have two children, I'm 32 years old at my age i believe that it is expected to have had a life up to this point. That life lead me to having two small children. Continuing with point 3 and 5 with the children; of course I will see my children as much as I can, I love them, they are the things most cherished to me. I have them Sunday mornings to Wednesday morning every week with split custody at 50/50. I know it is not like every single dad out there especially because I have an active role and interest in them and their lives. With the home schooling, yes it is different and does therefore mean that time Will would be at school he is with me. But i truly believe that I am doing what is the up most best for my two boys.
Living with dad. Well, again, I can see why this is unusual for a man of my age. But the truth behind it is that when my mum passed away my dad was lost, needed help and company so I took the role on. Leading me to have a better relationship with him as well as dad having a better relationship with the boys.
Yes I work part time but with the above you can see that my time is split, so to support my children and family i need to work. None of this though limits my free time, i still do things of interest as well as having a social life.
I go to church for many different reasons. I completely get if you don't or have no starting point to see why I would. But don't make assumption about me because of it. I don't make those assumptions about you.
And then finally, my health issues. Yes i agree why this is a difficult pill to swallow mentally and physically. But I don't need care or support. I personally as well as my friends see this as a wonderful thing. Despite my health issues I do all the above. My boys, work and not claim support, give company to my father and still socialise.
My so called baggage is my life. The more I get older the more so called baggage I have. It's life. Instead look at me for the things I do despite the baggage. Find these things as admirable. Respect it. And respect the man in front of you. It won't change because this is my life. The life I lead, and although things are not always how I want them, it is a life that I'm happy with.
If, and I mean if, you can get your mind past this and see the person in front of you ask questions and actually get to know the guy. So many people don't they start conversation and then stop, but if you can overcome the awkward bits you might find a decent like minded person.
If we didn't wouldn't life be boring looking at clones of people.
People who have said this have classed my baggage as:
Having two children
Living with my dad, who is 74.
That, although I have two children, that I see them too much (not like most single dads)
That I have health issues concerning my mobility.
That I home school my eldest son.
That I go to church
And finally, that I work part-time when I can.
I find all of this strange as I don't see any of this as baggage.
Yes, I have two children, I'm 32 years old at my age i believe that it is expected to have had a life up to this point. That life lead me to having two small children. Continuing with point 3 and 5 with the children; of course I will see my children as much as I can, I love them, they are the things most cherished to me. I have them Sunday mornings to Wednesday morning every week with split custody at 50/50. I know it is not like every single dad out there especially because I have an active role and interest in them and their lives. With the home schooling, yes it is different and does therefore mean that time Will would be at school he is with me. But i truly believe that I am doing what is the up most best for my two boys.
Living with dad. Well, again, I can see why this is unusual for a man of my age. But the truth behind it is that when my mum passed away my dad was lost, needed help and company so I took the role on. Leading me to have a better relationship with him as well as dad having a better relationship with the boys.
Yes I work part time but with the above you can see that my time is split, so to support my children and family i need to work. None of this though limits my free time, i still do things of interest as well as having a social life.
I go to church for many different reasons. I completely get if you don't or have no starting point to see why I would. But don't make assumption about me because of it. I don't make those assumptions about you.
And then finally, my health issues. Yes i agree why this is a difficult pill to swallow mentally and physically. But I don't need care or support. I personally as well as my friends see this as a wonderful thing. Despite my health issues I do all the above. My boys, work and not claim support, give company to my father and still socialise.
My so called baggage is my life. The more I get older the more so called baggage I have. It's life. Instead look at me for the things I do despite the baggage. Find these things as admirable. Respect it. And respect the man in front of you. It won't change because this is my life. The life I lead, and although things are not always how I want them, it is a life that I'm happy with.
If, and I mean if, you can get your mind past this and see the person in front of you ask questions and actually get to know the guy. So many people don't they start conversation and then stop, but if you can overcome the awkward bits you might find a decent like minded person.
If we didn't wouldn't life be boring looking at clones of people.
Sunday, 14 September 2014
I was told recently by a friend that religion and church is like this;
If I support West Ham as my football club, then anyone who doesn't support them therefore must be evil and should die in a horrible death. And we as West Ham supporters we must do whatever we can to kill and destroy the people who don't support them.
Do you blame my friend for thinking this? With terrorism as a constant threat around the world, and must of it on religious grounds, and wars being fought on both sides regarding their religious stance.
The problem I have with this is I don't support a football team, have no real understanding or want to know about football. I know people,like me, who also don't. But this doesn't stop my dad on every Saturday or after every 'big' match coming in and telling me what the score is and how dramatic the result will be etc.
A lot of people see church and religion in the same way. If you don't have a personal interest or love fir it anyone talking about it will come across as a fan and fanatic. They imagine church as a club that you have to be a certain way, dress in a particular way, sing songs that only others in a club would know, Making church a stand alone sect not inclusive to all a personal choice like the type of team you support.
But where do the above ideas come from? The ideas that being part of a religion or church means that anyone who isn't part of it will be evil. I can only come up with one theory. John 3 v 15 -22
15 that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life. 16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son. 19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. 21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God."
The latter part shows that anyone who doesn't believe is condemned. That they are evil.
But this annoys me because although the latter part explains this the whole beginning is seemingly ignored. We are given the choice for eternal life. God loves us incredibly much so much that he sent his only son to die for us and in doing so save us all. Creating a light to look upon in a world full of darkness.
This verse shows love, a love unending, and in a message of love that if we love each other it'll support us in the times of darkness. This says toe about being open to all, from all walks of life and to accept all because God loved the world....not just a particular group or club. That's it the simple message LOVE. That's why i go to church that's why dad follows football and why many have a favourite team because of the love of it.
So stop looking at religion or church as an aggressive club that will reject anyone who doesn't fit in the club. Start looking at it as it's for everyone. And is based on LOVE and not HATE.
If I support West Ham as my football club, then anyone who doesn't support them therefore must be evil and should die in a horrible death. And we as West Ham supporters we must do whatever we can to kill and destroy the people who don't support them.
Do you blame my friend for thinking this? With terrorism as a constant threat around the world, and must of it on religious grounds, and wars being fought on both sides regarding their religious stance.
The problem I have with this is I don't support a football team, have no real understanding or want to know about football. I know people,like me, who also don't. But this doesn't stop my dad on every Saturday or after every 'big' match coming in and telling me what the score is and how dramatic the result will be etc.
A lot of people see church and religion in the same way. If you don't have a personal interest or love fir it anyone talking about it will come across as a fan and fanatic. They imagine church as a club that you have to be a certain way, dress in a particular way, sing songs that only others in a club would know, Making church a stand alone sect not inclusive to all a personal choice like the type of team you support.
But where do the above ideas come from? The ideas that being part of a religion or church means that anyone who isn't part of it will be evil. I can only come up with one theory. John 3 v 15 -22
15 that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life. 16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son. 19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. 21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God."
The latter part shows that anyone who doesn't believe is condemned. That they are evil.
But this annoys me because although the latter part explains this the whole beginning is seemingly ignored. We are given the choice for eternal life. God loves us incredibly much so much that he sent his only son to die for us and in doing so save us all. Creating a light to look upon in a world full of darkness.
This verse shows love, a love unending, and in a message of love that if we love each other it'll support us in the times of darkness. This says toe about being open to all, from all walks of life and to accept all because God loved the world....not just a particular group or club. That's it the simple message LOVE. That's why i go to church that's why dad follows football and why many have a favourite team because of the love of it.
So stop looking at religion or church as an aggressive club that will reject anyone who doesn't fit in the club. Start looking at it as it's for everyone. And is based on LOVE and not HATE.
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Breaking Point
I was out in the green house yesterday evening to water the plants after being away for the weekend. Whilst watering I noticed that there were a few tomatoes ready to be picked. Once I picked them they all had split. I asked my dad why this happened, his response was to suggest that, they had a miscalculated amount of water.
Was it as simple as that?
So I decided to Google it and this is what I found:
Splitting is more likely to occur in tomato varieties where the skin does not stretch easily. Causes of splitting or cracking include:
* Inconsistent watering – The most common cause of splits in tomatoes is heavy rainfall or watering after a period of dryness. Irregularly watered tomato crops are prone to cracking because the sudden excessive moisture makes the inside of the tomato expand, rupturing the outer skin.
* Temperature fluctuations – Large changes in temperature can cause splitting, especially if leaves are removed from the tomato plants too early so that the fruit is deprived of protection. Alternate heating during the day and cooling at night causes the skin to expand and contract, leading to splits.
* Improper fertilization – Being low in potassium and high in nitrogen can make tomatoes more prone to cracking, as can overfeeding once tomatoes have begun to ripen.
It surprised me in some ways that it was more than what dad had suggested and what I expected. But in other ways it did surprise me, the more I thought about it, its quite common for multiple things to reach breaking point.
Are we any different?
Of course not, I've reached breaking point myself in the past, have suffered mental health issues and still do in some ways but not the way I was at breaking point. Common reasons for mental health problems come from multiple reasons. Which is often why people on the outside do not quite understand what you're going through and from my experience you get common statements like "I thought because of X that you should be happy/ok"
But what is missing is all of the things that are wrong.
it is suggested that these 6 points are the most common reasons for a nervous breakdown. The breaking point for us all.
*a sudden relationship disaster/separation and divorcea
*traumatic event, perhaps a series of traumasa
*drip-drip effect finally taking its toll (not unusual in emergency service personnel and when caring for someone who suffers from a longterm illness)
*other work-related issues
*not having eaten and slept enough!
Like with the tomato there are multiple reasons and usually these reason are together, if not all of them.
Sometimes people are completely caught off guard - never having suspected that life could have come crashing down. They, perhaps like you, would have never identified themselves as not being able to cope or prone to a 'mental breakdown'.
So what to do? It is difficult, I will not declare that I understand because one thing I have learnt is that everyone has an individual battle, even if it is similar to others. What I will say is this seek help. I know I started this blog with a poor example with the tomato, but it worked well, many reasons can get us to breaking point, its not a weakness, its the surrounding causes, however individual, but I sought help both in my personal life as well with the above example. Sometimes it is just speaking to someone, someone you can trust to be understanding.
Nervous breakdowns, depression, anxiety attacks these things are not a sign of weakness. They are a sign that you have tried to remain strong for as long as you can.
Even whilst writing this I have to remember this myself. We all have a breaking point.
Was it as simple as that?
So I decided to Google it and this is what I found:
Splitting is more likely to occur in tomato varieties where the skin does not stretch easily. Causes of splitting or cracking include:
* Inconsistent watering – The most common cause of splits in tomatoes is heavy rainfall or watering after a period of dryness. Irregularly watered tomato crops are prone to cracking because the sudden excessive moisture makes the inside of the tomato expand, rupturing the outer skin.
* Temperature fluctuations – Large changes in temperature can cause splitting, especially if leaves are removed from the tomato plants too early so that the fruit is deprived of protection. Alternate heating during the day and cooling at night causes the skin to expand and contract, leading to splits.
* Improper fertilization – Being low in potassium and high in nitrogen can make tomatoes more prone to cracking, as can overfeeding once tomatoes have begun to ripen.
It surprised me in some ways that it was more than what dad had suggested and what I expected. But in other ways it did surprise me, the more I thought about it, its quite common for multiple things to reach breaking point.
Are we any different?
Of course not, I've reached breaking point myself in the past, have suffered mental health issues and still do in some ways but not the way I was at breaking point. Common reasons for mental health problems come from multiple reasons. Which is often why people on the outside do not quite understand what you're going through and from my experience you get common statements like "I thought because of X that you should be happy/ok"
But what is missing is all of the things that are wrong.
it is suggested that these 6 points are the most common reasons for a nervous breakdown. The breaking point for us all.
*a sudden relationship disaster/separation and divorcea
*traumatic event, perhaps a series of traumasa
*drip-drip effect finally taking its toll (not unusual in emergency service personnel and when caring for someone who suffers from a longterm illness)
*other work-related issues
*not having eaten and slept enough!
Like with the tomato there are multiple reasons and usually these reason are together, if not all of them.
Sometimes people are completely caught off guard - never having suspected that life could have come crashing down. They, perhaps like you, would have never identified themselves as not being able to cope or prone to a 'mental breakdown'.
So what to do? It is difficult, I will not declare that I understand because one thing I have learnt is that everyone has an individual battle, even if it is similar to others. What I will say is this seek help. I know I started this blog with a poor example with the tomato, but it worked well, many reasons can get us to breaking point, its not a weakness, its the surrounding causes, however individual, but I sought help both in my personal life as well with the above example. Sometimes it is just speaking to someone, someone you can trust to be understanding.
Nervous breakdowns, depression, anxiety attacks these things are not a sign of weakness. They are a sign that you have tried to remain strong for as long as you can.
Even whilst writing this I have to remember this myself. We all have a breaking point.
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