Friday, 27 July 2018

Being Gay and the bible

Oh how I hate this opinion, mostly because it is against what the bible actually teaches us!
Most of the homosexual comments in the bible are always misused.
People of HATE freely use something that I cherish dearly as a weapon to abuse others and it is something that just makes us all look like complete ignorant idiots!
There are only 6 verses about homosexuality. 6  amongst the 31, 102 in the entire bible; 3 out of the 23, 145 verses of the Old Testament and 3 out of the 7, 957 of the New Testament. Let’s just take a second to consider the giant amount of other verses that teach us so much good and yet you live your life committing judgement on others over 6.
There are 614 laws and rules to live by in the bible, what to wear (Hope it has frayed edges) what to eat (Don’t you find flamingo so hard to find at Tesco’s nowadays!) Who or what to have sex with (Interestingly there are two distinctions 1: don’t have sex with animals 2: make sure they aren’t hoofed (I will be sad to get rid of my dear goat)) and yet, you are bashing abuse at people concerning 1 of them?
I will, however, humour you for a minute and go through with your view point and show you how totally misinformed you are.
Genisis 19 is the first mention of homosexuality. It is mentioned when Lot has housed 2 angels and a mob of young and old men come, forcibly, to have sex with the male angels. Now, I’m not too sure what you may think but this doesn’t sound like condemnation to homosexuality but more rape! If an angry mob turned up at my door wanting to have sex with me and I don’t want to then that is definitely rape, gender or not. 

Lot, in fact, tries to appease the mob and offers his daughters to be raped! Ridiculous when you think of it. He actually says “Let me bring them out to you for you to do whatever seems good to you”. His daughters, we find out later in the chapter are engaged to 2 other men so this clearly isn’t planned or consensual and therefore is rape! The angels are appalled at this and deem that Sodom and Gomorrah should be destroyed.
Later in that Chapter Lot is forced out of the town because he is a good man and he takes his family with him. They are told not to look back at the town, in essence being told not to look back at that behaviour and to move forward with your life. Then, finally, we see at the end of the chapter that Lot’s daughters drug him with wine until he is so drunk that they then rape him!
Now, this whole chapter screams rape. Rape, rape and more rape. Yet, you seem to be focused on the homosexuality aspect rather than the rape. Is rape acceptable for you? As you seem not to be listing that part? Or are you just picking verses from the bible to pick on people and cast your own judgements?
Am I sure though? I may be mistaken?
Well Paul mentions homosexuality in Romans 1v27 and again it is pretty clear. He makes it clear by saying “Likewise, also the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full penalty, which was due for their error”. Now I would really like to highlight a few words; “violently, inflamed in their lust”. I’m not too sure here but the only violent sexual act that is deemed wrong is rape, isn’t it? Isn’t Paul saying this?
Well 1 Cor 6v 9 – 11 seems to make it pretty clear. He mentions the unrighteous people “those who are sexually immoral” (In my mind sexually immoral are Rapists, Paedophiles, Incest and people who act upon Bestiality) but let’s see what he says “Adulters” (People who TAKE someone else non consensually (or at least I would assume most partners wouldn’t consent on their loved one committing adultery!) through lust) “Men who submit to homosexual acts, men who practice homosexuality” (interesting that it is written twice. Is he repeating himself or, could it be that there are 2 meanings?) “Thieves” (People who TAKE things non consensually) “Greedy people” (People who want what isn’t theirs to have) “Revilers” (People who are verbally abusive (Ooo abuse again, who knew? I equally don’t know many people who welcome consensually abuse)
Now, it could just be me but there seems to be a lot of people mentioned here who TAKE something from someone without consent. Why random sex would be fitted in the middle when it’s consensual, unless, of course, that it isn’t. That is why it is listed twice! Now read it as “Men who submit to Rape upon men, who practice rape freely”. Would make the context of all the other things listed fit better!
 1 Timothy 1v 8 – 10 says exactly the same. It lists Homosexuality with people who are abusive to others, rebellious, disloyal, profane, kidnappers and liars. It would only fit if you recognise the context that is being presented; Rape, abuse, without consent and against someone else’s good nature.
Now it would be wrong of me not to mention of course Leviticus 18 and 20 where it is made pretty clear that men who lie with other men is against God’s will. Yet, again, please look at the context of each chapter. There are lists in both of who you can’t have sex with; Mothers, daughters, daughter in laws, fathers, aunts, cousins the lot. Now, I could be in the minority here but I don’t want to willingly have sex with my aunt, do you? I think most people would agree unless, of course, you are filled with ““violently, inflamed  lust” and then, I would hope, you would agree that is just rape of everyone on that list.
The bible is really against rape. It is clearly written what would happen to those who violate someone else and are sexually immoral.
But, if that doesn’t convince you then I would need to point out that you are, in fact, the people who need saving the most.
One of the most famous verses in the bible is John 3v16. “For God loved the world, apart from gay people, so much that he gave his only begotten son” sorry, had to take that middle bit out, think I misquoted the bible for a second there. Don't you hate it when people misquote the bible?
God loves us all. All of us.  He wanted to save us all. Because of His love we are all saved and as 1 Corinthians 13 v 8 says “Love never fails”.
But, dearest Plank, I still haven’t finished because you have committed massive sins yourself against the son of God as well as God Himself!
Jesus, in Matthew 22v 36 – 40, says, after being asked what the greatest commandment is, “Love your neighbour as yourself”. You really, at this very moment in time, are not treating your neighbour anything like love.
I also employ you to read Matthew 7. The whole chapter. It is about Judging. Jesus hated it when people judged one another. In fact, dear plank, this is why I call you my dearest plank because he says “You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brothers!”
It is listed very clearly throughout the bible that only God is the judge of all. Are you God? Genesis 18v25 “It is unthinkable that you would act in this manner by putting the righteous man to death with the wicked one so that the outcome for the righteous man and the wicked is the same! It is unthinkable of you. Will the judge of all the earth not do what is right!”
Stop judging others, look at the heart of the bible. The story of love, forgiveness, kindness, good treatment of others whatever and whoever they are; God created all, God wants to save all of us because we are all sinners.
Something that should be a comfort to us all considering how many laws we are all breaking!
Yours Sincerely,
The Guy sanding down his own plank to a speck.

Being Gay and the bible

Oh how I hate this opinion, mostly because it is against what the bible actually teaches us! Most of the homosexual comments in the bible ...