Thursday, 24 November 2011

Getting out of the boat and keeping focus. Part 2

Ok, so we saw that these men were in the boat and in trouble and scared. These were fishermen, men who knew the waters, knew the storms and knew how to survive , these were professionals. But the truth is here that they were scared because they had no hope, the fear that would have been taken by the hope in Jesus. They also relied in the hope and safety of what they knew, the safety of being in the boat.

This moment Jesus show them who he truly is, reminds them of the fact that they have been doubting. Reminding them to look at him and not the storm that's distracting around them.

Jesus walked out towards them, yet the disciples still being hardened to the identity of him, don't recognise him, the shout it in fear! Jesus first response is to say "don't be afraid, it is I". (The don't be afraid line is one of the most common in the bible, mentioned 365 times)

Peter, does the bravest thing and trusts that it is Jesus and says tell me to come. Some would see this as a sign of finally having obedience, i see this more as the thing that is holding Pater back, another back up way out of "well i didn't get out because Jesus didn't tell me to" but once Jesus says come, there is when you see the obedience from Peter.

He then started walking on the water to Jesus. He is actually doing it, but in typical Peter sense he fails again, he is distracted and still scared of what is around him, takes his eyes of Jesus and starts to sink.

Jesus reached in to the water and grabbed Peter, and once they were both on the boat, the storm cleared and they had already arrived onto the other side of the sea. (of which according to the story they had only rowed a mile into) At this point they all cry out saying that Jesus is truly the son of God, they have finally started seeing him. But as we see they still doubted in their hearts. "Later He appeared to the eleven as they sat at the table; and He rebuked their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they did not believe those who had seen Him after He had risen."

Are we not all like this though? When things are going well we are happy to get on with our lives and say how happy we are as Christians, but when it is stormy in our lives we call straight out to God for help. We harden ourselves to the truth that is Jesus and we often think it is easy to jump out of the boat and focus on God but realistically the things around us distract us, where we take our eyes off of him, where only at this point when we are sinking we shout out to God. We should pray to him and call out to him in praise as well in desperation. We should be looking at Jesus all the time, not just when it is stormy for him to rescue us.

I was planning on ending on Psalms 107:28-31

"Then they cry out to the LORD in their trouble, And He brings them out of their distresses. He calms the storm, So that its waves are still. Then they are glad because they are quiet; So He guides them to their desired haven. Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness, And for His wonderful works to the children of men!"

1 comment:

  1. I am perhaps myself 'hardened' but now a little more informed, always an interesting read, thank you, Jo x


Being Gay and the bible

Oh how I hate this opinion, mostly because it is against what the bible actually teaches us! Most of the homosexual comments in the bible ...