I was recently asked what happens when we die, do we go straight to heaven. I didn't think we did, b ut didn't want to give a bad anser, so I did a study on it and this is what I have come up with.
A Change, a revolution, it is coming, things will change for all of us.....Well some point in the near future at least. The Bible has many prophecies which help to confirm this fact for us, by reading many of these prophocies we see in Daniel and also in Revelations, we can conjour up some idea.
The apostle Paul tries to encourage us to "keep our eyes . . . on the things unseen." Yes, we need to bear in mind our reward of everlasting life. As the context shows, Paul wrote these words to encourage fellow believers, followers and Christians to focus on the happy outcome of their faithful course. When we see this written, many now a days concentrate on the idea that being good and soley good will mean that they get to go to heaven. Many churches still teach the doctrine that if you are good and believe in Jesusw and you subsequently die you go to heaven and if you are bad and you die you go to hell. That always seems very straight forward and due to that we see that many people wanting to focus on the happy that Paul mentions think and believe they are going straight to heaven. But teh Bible I believe contradicts this view point in places.
Why is it so easy to teach part of what the Bible teaches, when all it does is spread misunderstanding, although I can see that by doing so it would also help them and therefore othersx to cope with trials and persecution (2 Cor. 4:8, 9, 16-18; 5:7.) Paul’s admonition contains an important principle: To keep our hope firm, we must look beyond the things that are immediately before us.We need to focus on significant events that are still to come. (Heb.11:1; 12:1, 2)
(1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3.) In the letters we see that he mentions the coming of Gods day, the lords day. Saying that in between this stage to the day of armegedon that a change and a revelution and will ultimately come. After all false religion and interpretation has been stopped or even as teh Bible states "destroyed", God’s servants will still be found "dwelling in security" and "without wall." (Ezek. 38:11, 14) Knowing in advance about this attack on God’s people does not make us overly anxious. Rather, our main concern is, not our own salvation, but the sanctification of Gods name and the vindication of his sovereignty. In fact, He declared it for more than 60 times: "You will have to know that I am God." (Ezek. 6:7; see footnote.) Hence, we look forward with interest to the fulfillment of this concept brought to us in Ezekiel’s prophecy, trusting that "God knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial." (2 Pet. 2:9) Meanwhile, what should we be doing? Does this mean that in teh time between now and that day we can do what ever we like, because we have a possibility for redemption later. How many times do we hear teh phrase its ok, I'll repent and find faith in God on my death bed?! What we want to do and I believe should do is use every opportunity to strengthen our faith so that we will be able to keep our integrity to God no matter what tests we may face. We should pray, study God’s Word and meditate on it, and share the message, the good news that we have been taugh with others. By doing so, we keep our hope of everlasting life firm. (Heb. 6:19; Ps. 25:21)
So what then, does God have in store for Satan himself? Satan will have to witness
from beginning to end his entire organization on earth being wiped out. Then, he himself will become the focus of attention. The apostle John reports what happens next. (Read Revelation 20:1-3.) the "angel . . . with the key of the abyss"—will seize Satan and his demons, hurl them into the abyss, and keep them there for a thousand years. (Luke 8:30, 31; 1 John 3:8)
So what are these thousand years?
As, what I believe I see myself as, an active Christian although I have read about these thousand years I have never been taught anything about them.
What is "the abyss" into which Satan and the demons will be hurled? The Greek word abys·sos used by John means "very or exceedingly deep." It is also translated "unfathomable, boundless," and "the infinite void." Thus, it is a place completely out of reach of anyone except God and his appointed angel, who we saw above as teh one who held the keys "with the key of the abyss."
Can you imagine all the good that a loving and compassionate ruler could do for its subjects in one thousand years? Wonderful events await the unnumbered "great crowd" the loving and faithful of heart survivors of "the great tribulation," which will bring a total end to the present wicked system of things. (Rev. 7:9, 14).God’s Kingdom will take progressive steps to undo all the damage done to humans and their home, the planet Earth. The Thousand Year Reign will bring about the fulfillment of the heartwarming promise that was given by God: "I am creating new heavens and a new earth; and the former things will not be called to mind, neither will they come up into the heart." (Isa. 65:17)
What a lovely and truly wonderful thought.
I'll contiune to discuss this in part 2, if you have any other thoughst comment or message me, would love to know your views.
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