Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Day 1

I have decided to take on the task of blogging everyday for my lent challenge. A friend of mine tried this a couple of years back and didn't succeed, so I thought I would take on the challenge. I am needing a form of distraction at the moment, am also needing a reason to blog a bit more, so thought this solution may be a productive one. everyday may not be overly thoughtful, or thought provoking, but I thought what I would do is talk about my day, and try to process the events of the day or day before. Yesterday, I was referring to my comfort book of the bible, Ecclesiastes. The verses that jumped out for me was from chapter 3. A time for everything. Ecclesiastes 3:3 NIV a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, I really felt this verse jump out at me. The part of time to kill, seems a little hard, but it depends on what you're killing. For me I saw this as killing some of my issues that I have, finally putting them to rest. Easier said than done?? But through that I realised that only in doing so will it allow time for me to heal. I have been broken, although my journey has allowed a lot of time to heal, it is apparent how there is still open wounds. There wounds are still allowing me to feel hurt. I need to kill my ill's and allow time for these issues to finally heal. This subsequently will show me which aspects that I need to tear down, with that I can rebuild. I learnt years ago that sometimes we can build ourselves a house of cards, easy to knock on any occasion. If I can rebuild with this understanding I can build with a solid foundation. With these thoughts constantly processing, I hope that my time in lent will allow some killing, healing, tearing down and rebuilding. Hopefully with day to day references to allow this growth.

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Being Gay and the bible

Oh how I hate this opinion, mostly because it is against what the bible actually teaches us! Most of the homosexual comments in the bible ...