Friday, 15 February 2013
Day 3 - Singing a song of love over our lives.
Singing a song of love over our lives. Being Valentines day yesterday, I decided to write a post about it, with the intent to get across the alternate view of love and that although a wonderful day to celebrate with a loved one that the loved one doesn't necessarily mean a partner. I tried very hard to focus in on some verses from the book of Corinthians that would show love and validate my view point. I do hope that it did that and that you all showed someone that you love your kindness, consideration cheerfully because you just love them. I was reminded last night though about a few things that I would like to explore with you. Isn't it amazing the things that come together throughout your day to remind you of a particular way of thinking. Yesterday, I wrote the blog post 'Day 2', so my mindset was loving others and and being considerate. Trying to encourage others and show love where possible. (Being the reflection of who I am) I had a very less productive meeting in the middle of the day that put me in a bad mood. Mainly, because at the end of it, the conclusion was that I was helpless. But then I saw a friends Facebook Status regarding a book that they had decided to read. A book by Paulo Freire called Pedagogy of the Oppressed, great book and really blew my mind when I read it many, many, years ago. But from what I remembered from it was that aspects of it were discussing the relationship between the Teacher, Student and then Society ideally looking at the combination of three for idealised ability to learn. There was one thing that was very distinct, it discussed about the concept of containing two overlapping parts that would create a whole, but yet distinctly two different points. One would quite happily use the example of the Human Body and the Soul, or in a better concept the Human Brain and the Soul. He also discusses in one point the argument between human beings being a “bank” of knowledge that is readily available to be filled by a teacher, then with the understanding that the oppressed could potentially have “less knowledge”, However his argument forms the basis that if an individual was aware of their own personal growth that they then have the ability to recognise their incomplete nature and could strive to become more. ( I do hope all of that makes sense, as I said it was a very long time ago that I read it and to be honest, its concepts escaped me in places, but I think I might have summarised as well as I can) Well, obviously seeing my friends facebook post, all of the above summary came running back to, and as always got me thinking. I was pronounced and labelled as potentially helpless, well with that understanding the fact that I have now been told that could mean I now have the option to strive for more and become filled with a potential that no longer makes me helpless. So how does this have anything to do with Valentines day, other than this was the day where this all happened to me? Hopefully you can all hang in there and my conclusion, for today, should all come together. Whilst doing my evening Bible reading, I remembered about the verse from Zephaniah 3, so thought I would check it out. 17 The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing. 18 I will gather those of you who mourn for the festival, so that you will no longer suffer reproach. From this, it confirmed what I had thought and concluded about what God might want in the shape of love on Valentines day from us. Sometimes Gods love for us doesn't have to be loud and bold, it can be a quiet Love, or love that makes us quiet, a different love, but love none the less. It made me think that with me, us if you tried to do what I discussed yesterday, that on showing the reflection of ourselves through love that gladness will come, God will be pleased, That he will sing over us. There is some 'talk' that God has a life song for us, and when we make God happy that this life song will be sung over us. I know this can be a strange and wild concept that I know not even the best Christians would agree with, but in some ways it sits comfortably with me. It may just as well be the fact that as a music teacher its a connective point, but I think my understanding of music helps a little. When playing the piano, you can cover and play a combination of notes, keys, over a range of octaves, but as a piano teacher, often you'll find that the pupil in front of you will hit a wrong note, a note that doesn't show harmonic solution with the current sound, and it completely jars the flow of the piece. But what if we're like that? What if Freire has a point and there are two part of one whole, potentially our mind and our soul? Our soul in Christian terms is meant to be filled be God “He breathed in our soul” yet our mind has been filled by teachers and society. If we live our lives through love, but aware of our situation, our mistakes, as Freire pointed out, we can recognise our incomplete nature and potentially improve. See the mistakes as bad notes that you have played in life, whilst God sings his song over us, there are going to me moments where it will sound off key, out of place. Yet recognising it, improving, playing the song that should fit us, our mind and soul as could become whole. (and as I would say to my pupils, a little more practice always helps, but as the verse said, don't mourn the festival (especially if you see everybody around you dancing to their song) in doing so you will only suffer) Be happy, try to show love in whatever way, nothing is impossible and we have so much potential to become more ourselves, or to help others become more. Now help someone carry a tune today!
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Being Gay and the bible
Oh how I hate this opinion, mostly because it is against what the bible actually teaches us! Most of the homosexual comments in the bible ...
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Oh how I hate this opinion, mostly because it is against what the bible actually teaches us! Most of the homosexual comments in the bible ...
I actually followed that till the end even the bible bits...go me! food for thought!