Monday, 20 May 2013

Who am I?

It is difficult to tell someone you don't know who exactly you are. Have you ever tried to tell someone who you are by describing yourself in three words? It isn't easy to be able to describe yourself and often even harder to describe yourself in a positive light.

If you are anything like me you struggle and usually your first thoughts turn to negativity.
There is a story of a world famous philosopher who apparently was in the search for answers for almost anything. On one day he thought a change of scenery would help unravel more, but something strange happened and his day became even more confusing. Sitting there looking rather shabby, probably the cost of long hours and late nights of thinking, he seemed by on lookers to be a homeless vagrant who needed help. On seeing him a policeman ask him a question. “Who are you?”

He replied....”If only I knew”.
Who are we then to explore this thorny subject? Personal identity is a difficult thing, its how we see ourselves and then goes into how we present ourselves and our self image. It can be a great influence with relationships, friendship or interactions on a whole. You may think that it is a little self indulgent but coming from someone who has health issues, and is incredibly self conscious it really makes me wonder how many traits we produce because of the issues we bear. These things that can be produced can easily be taken away, I mean this by working through the issues until you create the person you are meant to be. Growing outwardly, but with every stretch, stretching the old parts off, in some ways shedding your old skin. We need to recognise this and honour the desire to grow as this affects all of our relationships, affecting our own lives as well as the lives of the world.

Who I am today, is not who I was this time last year, and even more different than I was 2 years ago and 16 years ago. Today I have a better reflection of who I am, even though I still suffer from low self esteem and am not overly confident, but I hold the most important thing here and that is that I am willing to grow and have growth. There is a hundred or more different things that I don't like about myself, yet when I became a Christian I was happy to see that things were changing and that I was becoming greater than I expected. The one thing that I didn't account for is that many changes of growth can rip you out of who you are and change you completely and allow many battles to happen, many battles into darkness. There is a song By Florence and the Machines called shake it. In this song there are a few lines that I want to bring out:
Regrets collect like old friends. Here to relive your darkest moments, I can see no way, I can see no way. And all of the ghouls come out to play. And every demon wants his pound of flesh, But I like to keep some things to myself, I like to keep my issues drawn, It's always darkest before the dawn.

And I've been a fool and I've been blind, I can never leave the past behind, I can see no way, I can see no way. I'm always dragging that horse around. And our love is pastured such a mournful sound. Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground, So I like to keep my issues drawn. But it's always darkest before the dawn
These lyrics and this song stood out for me,I started to change, my friends would tell me so, but the strange thing is they all said the same thing, they didn't like the person I was changing into, I thought about this but shrugged it off to some irrational thinking but I look back and see that they were right, I didn't like who I was turning into either. This made me see things that happened to me last year and realise that what I had been asking for previously were being answered.In doing so my life entered a era of darkness. Yet as the song also suggests, its darkest before the dawn, and my time to shine is coming, I know that now.

All these things, all the dark points, made me have all these negative thoughts that came with the issues that I had. But with the growth that I mentioned I know that this will change.

Yet to stand here today and say these things doesn't mean that I am protesting my goods and my achievements, more that these things have changed me and has now allowed me to see things differently and to see that there is growth.

So back to who we are.

Sometimes we forget ourselves and we mask who we really are creating identities for different people for different situations. Today I am a Managing Director of a company, tomorrow I am the sides person at our church, the Thursday after the full moon I will be Uncle. All of these situations are easily created.

So a few things to consider:

How important is position and status to you? Are you defined by your job, your role?

Are we easily threatened?

When you compare yourself to others do you feel inferior or superior?

What do you keep hidden in fear that others might find out about you?

And finally are you a giver or a taker in life?

Do you know the answers to these questions?

If you struggle with these things then it is usually the reason that we need to look at who we are, as if we question these points we come up with a few alternative thoughts: I'm only a teacher, only a wife and mother, I am only.....Whatever it is, where is the pride in what we do and why we do it?How do you feel when there is something available to you, a role, a job, but it has been position and offered to somebody else, why didn't we speak up for it in the first place?

But it is often unforeseen that we put things on others, because of these points and take out unresolved issues to create burdens for others as well as ourselves.

This is just the expectations that others put on us, rather than putting ourselves out at our own time and allowing individuality to grow.

But how to recognise your positive attributes when others put pressure on you to conform, to make you less individual, pushing more and more negativity onto you?

It's difficult, but I found a way that I would like to share with you that might work for you.

I heard this at a conference lest year, and at the time the though of it just made me smile, but at my breaking dawn it happened again (although I will discuss this more in another post)

Think of a character in literature. The first one you think of, may it be through books, childrens stories, poems, plays, films or t.v. Whatever. Once you've done that take a time to think about the character. Write a list of the positive attributes that you think that character holds, even better look that character up on line and see what someone else sees as that characters attributes. In doing so look, and I mean look, at all the positives and negatives. Does any of that ring a bell with you? It is suggested that we see a lot of ourselves and our characteristics in this fictional character, do you see the resemblance? As I said, It may not shake you as a person now, but at a moment it will. It definitely did for me, and to be honest it shook my life at my breaking point so much it shook me into a new dawn. Which I truly hope that it can do for you. Try it.

I will do my next post on exactly what happened to me and shook me up and hopefully it might give you a better confidence in which character first springs to mind for you.

1 comment:

Being Gay and the bible

Oh how I hate this opinion, mostly because it is against what the bible actually teaches us! Most of the homosexual comments in the bible ...